How To Dry Washing Fast

To have a tidy and organised wardrobe, you’ll need to have everything that’s going into it ready and clean so that you can properly know what you’re dealing with.

For many of us, clutter and untidiness comes down to the sheer volume of stuff we’ve got in our homes, and that’s almost always the case with clothing. I always remember being told as a child to have ‘a place for everything, and everything in its place’.

Still, to this day, I shudder when I hear that phrase, as it was essentially a way of having the news delivered that it was time to tidy up my bedroom. I’ve always been untidy, whether that’s dumping stuff wherever I am when I no longer need it, or fully intending to come back and sort things out later (which rarely happens).

To get that organisation with clothes, as we said, the laundry needs completing first. Otherwise, you put everything away, and once it’s been done, you realise there’s not enough space where it needs to go.

Shirts need hanging, underwear neatly placed into the drawer in it’s own unique filing system, and so on.

If you’ve got everything to hand, you can be more honest with yourself about how much you really need. Rather than trying to cram that last pair of socks into the drawer, it’s then more about being honest and asking yourself whether you really need 35 pairs. Probably not!

So, getting the laundry done fast before the motivation and momentum of cleaning up the chaos is the name of the game. There’s not a huge amount you can do about the washing machine – a two hour cycle is always going to take two hours, although sometimes a quick thirty minute daily cycle will do the job. It’s not advisable to use them too often though, as you can end up with sub-par washing performance if you use the quick wash too often, or when a proper wash is needed on the kids footie kit.

Drying though is a different ball game. There’s a huge difference between the ways to dry washing in terms of time. Did you know for example that drying washing outdoors on a hot summers day will almost always be faster than a tumble dryer?

Very few people seem to realise that, and what’s more, the washing line doesn’t swell the electricity bill either, so you’re saving money too (and the environment to boot!).

It’s not quite as simple in the bleak mid winter, but washing will still dry outside on the line (as long as it’s not raining). For that reason, if you’ve got multiple loads to do, why not put the first on the line and the second in the dryer – that way the first load will be at least partially dry by the time the tumble dryer finishes, and can go in to finish off. Again, its cheaper on the bills and faster to get the job done overall!

Which washing line you choose is an entirely different subject if you need to buy a new one. Perhaps that’s a good subject to tackle next time, but for now, get yourself sorted out and ready to de-clutter that closet we talked about earlier!